# |
Source ID |
Title, Author |
Tree |
251 |
S8072384411 | Descendants of Jean Mousnier de la MONTAGNE (1595-1670) Lois Stewart | Master Tree |
252 |
S8072384380 | Descendants of Nathan Evans (abt 1682-1763) P J Evans, [email protected] | Master Tree |
253 |
S8072066181 | Dictionaire généalogique des familles du Québec des origines à 1730 René Jette avec la collaboration du Programme de recherche en démographic historique de l'Université de Montréal | Master Tree |
254 |
S8072066185 | Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes Cyprien Tanguay | Master Tree |
255 |
S8072066269 | Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Français 1608-1760 Institut Drouin | Master Tree |
256 |
S8072066284 | Digital Library on American Slavery The University of North Carolina at Greensboro | Master Tree |
257 |
S8072066264 | Direct Ancestors of Don Janess Don Janess, [email protected] | Master Tree |
258 |
S8072387455 | Directory of the Ancestral Heads of New England Families, 1620-1700 Holmes, Frank R | Master Tree |
259 |
S8072066330 | Dodge/Jefferson Counties Genealogical Society, Watertown, WI http://www.dodgejeffgen.com/ | Master Tree |
260 |
S5352219131 | Donna Sears Chernick at Rootsweb World Project, e-mail: [email protected] | Master Tree |
261 |
S8029499318 | Dosh Family Merv and Judy Dosh | Master Tree |
262 |
S8072066333 | Douglas Co., Wisconsin Genweb Online Cemetery Records http://www.rootsweb.com/~widougla/cemetery | Master Tree |
263 |
S8072384389 | Draginoff/Higgins Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/TreeInfo.aspx?tid=407209&pg=2 | Master Tree |
264 |
S8072066206 | Drouin: Répertoire alphabétique des mariages des Canadiens Français (1760-1935) | Master Tree |
265 |
S8029499207 | Dukes Cemetery, Blanchard Twp., Hancock County, Ohio | Master Tree |
266 |
S8029499436 | Dunshee Genealogy Dunshee, Karol, custodian | Master Tree |
267 |
S8072387447 | Early American Marriages: Virginia to 1850 Dodd, Jordan R., et al. | Master Tree |
268 |
S5351734295 | Early Church Records of Delaware County, Pennsylvania Volume 3 Launey, John Pitts | Master Tree |
269 |
S8072387496 | Early Connecticut Marriages Bailey, Frederick W | Master Tree |
270 |
S8072387519 | Early marriage records of the Fox family in the United States : official and authoritative records of Fox marriages in the original states and colonies from 1628 to 1865 Clemens, William Montgomery | Master Tree |
271 |
S8072387516 | Early New York Naturalizations: Abstracts of Naturalizations Records from Federal, State, and Local Courts, 1792-1840 Scott, Kenneth | Master Tree |
272 |
S8029499303 | East Akron Cemetery, Akron, Summit County, Ohio | Master Tree |
273 |
S8072384382 | Edwards/De Vries and Related Families Darlene De Vries, [email protected] | Master Tree |
274 |
S8072066348 | Elizabeth McGee Reynolds Elizabeth Reynolds, [email protected] | Master Tree |
275 |
S8072066293 | Emory Family Folder, Genealogical Filing Cabinet | Master Tree |
276 |
S5351729550 | Encyclopedia Britannica, Treatise on | Master Tree |
277 |
S5352861719 | English Origin of Six Early Colonists by the Name of Perkins Mortensen, Paula Perkins | Master Tree |
278 |
S5351734508 | Esther King of Philadelphia and Bucks Counties and Her Bowyer, Lynn and Elfreth Children Carousso, Dorothee Hughes | Master Tree |
279 |
S8029499382 | Fairview Cemetery, Crawford County, Ohio | Master Tree |
280 |
S560402428 | Familienforschung Roger Pierce | Master Tree |
281 |
S5351693494 | Familienforschung Roger Pierce | Master Tree |
282 |
S4791290781 | Familienforschung Schuesser | Master Tree |
283 |
S4791290820 | Familienforschung Ullrich Gunter und Elmar Ullrich, aufgrund der Forschungen von Gunter und Heinrich Ullrich | Master Tree |
284 |
S4791290839 | Familienforschung Wiesner | Master Tree |
285 |
S4791290843 | Familienstammtafel von Heinrich Ullrich, Wuerzburg 1938 | Master Tree |
286 |
S8072387499 | Families of Early Hartford, Connecticut Barbour, Lucius Barnes | Master Tree |
287 |
S8072066220 | Famille Poissant - Descendants of Jacques Poissant dit Lasaline Joe, [email protected], http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~jplfamily/ | Master Tree |
288 |
S1070432072 | Family Bible of This Family | Master Tree |
289 |
S5352859560 | Family Data Collection - Births | Master Tree |
290 |
S5352736029 | Family Data Collection - Individual Records | Master Tree |
291 |
S5352859548 | Family Data Collection - Marriages | Master Tree |
292 |
S8072066235 | Family of Johann David and Christina Held Fred H Held, [email protected], listing on OneWorldTree | Master Tree |
293 |
S8072387454 | Family of Tommy Barnett Tommy Barnett, [email protected] | Master Tree |
294 |
S8072387569 | Family Record of John Dutton from 1630 to 1984 Darlene Waite Abrams and Betty M. Remington | Master Tree |
295 |
S8072066274 | Family Tree of Hervé and Laurette Blanchette Michel Blanchette, http://www.michelblanchette.com/Michel/family_tree/wc_toc.htm, [email protected] | Master Tree |
296 |
S8072387450 | FamilyHart Database Hartman, Don & Jeanine, [email protected] | Master Tree |
297 |
S8072066178 | FamilySearch.org (LDS) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Master Tree |
298 |
S8072387495 | Fancher 10/16 Larry Fancher, [email protected] | Master Tree |
299 |
S8072073631 | Fannin County Facts and Folks | Master Tree |
300 |
S8072073634 | Fannin County Facts and Folks, Bonham Public Library | Master Tree |