genealogy of the valley and fitzgerald families
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 #   Notes   Linked to 
701 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Schippani, Brita ORWOLL (I5857883013)
702 !SO: (O-12: Rec #339) Schroth, Rebecca (I5857883008)
703 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Orwoll, Benjamin Edward (I5857883009)
704 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Orwoll, Katherine Ann (I5857883010)
705 !SO: (O-12: Rec #339) Schippani, Michael (I5857883011)
706 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Schippani, Pier ORWOLL (I5857883012)
707 !SO: (O-12: Rec #339) Relf, Jeffrey (I5857883014)
708 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Orwoll, Paul (I5857882494)
709 !SO: (O-12: Rec #378). Morrisette, Lori (I5857883005)
710 !SO: (O-12: Rec #378). Donna (I5857883006)
711 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Orwoll, Mark (I5857883007)
712 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Orwoll, Martha Louise (Micky) (I5857879934)
713 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Orwoll, Catherine Ann (I5857879935)
714 !SO: (O-12: Rec #504). Hadley, Robert (I5857883001)
715 !SO: (O-12: Rec #504). Hadley, Josh (I5857883002)
716 !SO: (O-12: Rec #504). Hadley, Sarah (I5857883003)
717 !SO: (O-12: Rec #504). Hadley, Chad (I5857883004)
718 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Orwoll, Andrea Dail (I5857882995)
719 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Orwoll, Eric Matthew (I5857882996)
720 !SO: (O-12: Rec #92) Reishus, Sondre Sylfest (I5857879166)
721 !SO: (unidentified) list name as Per, wife not listed, 2 unident. children.
(A-020-i) a brief handwritten list of names in an unidendified hand, also
with know misspellings of some other names on the document, is
the source for the descendants of the person listed as Peder.
1. Apparantly Peder and/or his family was living in Oregon then.
2. Oscar was listed as unmarried on (A-020-j).
A-031 lists residence as Astoria, Oregon. 
Gunderson, Oscar (I5857881468)
722 !SO: (unidentified) list name as Per, wife not listed, 2 unident. children.
(A-020-i) a brief handwritten list of names in an unidendified hand, also
with know misspellings of some other names on the document, is
the source for the descendants of the person listed as Peder.
1. Apparantly Peder and/or his family was living in Oregon then.
2. Sam is listed as living on the old home place near Lebanon.
A-031. lists Sam living at the old home place in Brownsville, Oregon. 
Gunderson, Sam (I5857881469)
723 !SO: (unidentified) list name as Per, wife not listed, 2 unident. children.
(A-020-i) a brief handwritten list of names in an unidendified hand, also
with know misspellings of some other names on the document, is
the source for the descendants of the person listed as Peder.
1. Apparantly Peder and/or his family was living in Oregon then.
NOTE: Spelling of first name is illegible: Obert, Elbert, Abert?
(A-020-j) seems to spell it Obert and states he was living
in Astoria (Likely Oregon?) where he operated a variety
A-031 lists residence as Astoria, OR. 
Gunderson, Obert (I5857881470)
724 !SO: (unidentified) list name as Per, wife not listed, 2 unident. children.
(A-020-i) a brief handwritten list of names in an unidendified hand, also
with know misspellings of some other names on the document, is
the source for the descendants of the person listed as Peder.
1. Apparantly Peder and/or his family was living in Oregon then.
A-031 lists name as Gustav, living in Plainview, Oregon. 
Gunderson, Gustava (I5857881466)
725 !SO: (unidentified) list name as Per, wife not listed, 2 unident. children.
(A-020-i) a brief handwritten list of names in an unidendified hand, also
with know misspellings of some other names on the document, is
the source for the descendants of the person listed as Peder.
1. Apparantly Peder and/or his family was living in Oregon then. 
Gus (I5857881471)
726 !SO: (unidentified) list name as Per, wife not listed, 2 unident. children.
(A-020-i) a brief handwritten list of names in an unidendified hand, also
with know misspellings of some other names on the document, is
the source for the descendants of the person listed as Peder.
Lena and Husband are listed as living near Brooks on (A-020-j) 
Dougherty (I5857881486)
727 !SO: (unidentified) list name as Per, wife not listed, 2 unident. children.
(A-020-i) a brief handwritten list of names in an unidendified hand, also
with know misspellings of some other names on the document, is
the source for the descendants of the person listed as Peder.
Pearl and Husband are listed as living in Melbourne, WA on (A-020-j) 
Albert, W. R. (I5857881485)
728 !SO: (unidentified) list name as Per, wife not listed, 2 unident. children.
(A-020-i) a brief handwritten list of names in an unidendified hand, also
with know misspellings of some other names on the document, is
the source for the descendants of the person listed as Peder.
Marie and James are listed as living in Lebanon, Oregon on (A-020-j)
A-031 lists residence as Lebanon, OR. 
Benson, Marie (I5857881481)
729 !SO: (unidentified) list name as Per, wife not listed, 2 unident. children.
(A-020-i) a brief handwritten list of names in an unidendified hand, also
with know misspellings of some other names on the document, is
the source for the descendants of the person listed as Peder.
A-031 Lists address (presumed in 1985) as 231 West 16th, Dallas, Oregon. 
Benson, Pearl (I5857881482)
730 !SO: (unidentified) list name as Per, wife not listed, 2 unident. children.
(A-020-i) a brief handwritten list of names in an unidendified hand, also
with know misspellings of some other names on the document, is
the source for the descendants of the person listed as Peder. 
Benson, Lena (I5857881483)
731 !SO: (unidentified) lists name as Per, wife not listed, 2 unident. children.
(A-020-i) a brief handwritten list of names in an unidendified hand, also
with know misspellings of some other names on the document, is
the source for the descendants of the person listed as Peder.
1. Apparantly Peder and/or his family was living in Oregon then.
BIRTH: yr from A-020-L. A-020-O gives yr and place. A-020-M gives full date.
PROBLEM: A-020-M says b. place for Peder and siblings is Nummedal,
PROBLEM: A-020-j. A handwritten document , unknown source, Palmer' A's records.
Unsure if the birthplace, Voss, Norway is Julia's birthplace or that of
her husband Peder. A-020-j states, "Peder married Julia Osher (?) born
in Voss Norway who came to America at 13 weeks and grew up in Wisconsin
and Iowa".
NOTES: A-020-j states that after their marriage in Iowa, Peder and Julia moved
to Jackson, Minn where 10 of their 11 children were born. They then
moved to Oregon. There were 6 girls and 5 boys. In 1941 only 3 girls
were living: Caroline, Belle, Julia.
A-020-i lists 6 children. A-020-j says there were 11. Between the two
documents are 10 differnt names; however, Caroline and Carrie may or
may not be two persons.
A-031 lists 8 children by name. Gus is not listed in this list.
A-020-h says that the Peder Gunderson family lived near Jackson, Minn., later
Lebanon, Oregon.
A-020-Y says Mrs. G. D. Nelson - Seattle was one of the children of Peder.
A-031 says Peder settled in Oregon.
Lists sirnameas Korsgaarden, same as for his father. 
Gunderson, Peder (I5857879386)
732 !SO: A-002 (117 a), A-012. Aanestad, Magnus (I5857863820)
733 !SO: A-002 (117 a), A-012. Aanestad, Magnus (I5857863820)
734 !SO: A-002 (117 b); A-012.
PROBLEM A-002 spells Randolf, A-012 spells Randulf. 
Erga, Randolf Oskarsen (I5857863827)
735 !SO: A-002 (117 b); A-012.
PROBLEM A-002 spells Randolf, A-012 spells Randulf. 
Erga, Randolf Oskarsen (I5857863827)
736 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Aanestad, Ingeborg Eliasdtr.? (I5857863821)
737 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Aanestad, Ingeborg Eliasdtr.? (I5857863821)
738 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Skaara, Olav (I5857863830)
739 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Skaara, Olav (I5857863830)
740 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Aanestad, Hanna (I5857863823)
741 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Aanestad, Hanna (I5857863823)
742 !SO: A-002 (122 b) and Nord-Varhaug 42 d. A-012, Occupation: Farmer. NORD-VARHAUG, Lars (I5857863847)
743 !SO: A-002 (122 b) and Nord-Varhaug 42 d. A-012, Occupation: Farmer. NORD-VARHAUG, Lars (I5857863847)
744 !SO: A-002, A-012 list Helge Mattiasson Aanestad.
A-075 is data used. 
Aanestad, Helge (I5857862974)
745 !SO: A-002, A-012 list Helge Mattiasson Aanestad.
A-075 is data used. 
Aanestad, Helge (I5857862974)
746 !SO: A-002, A-012. Aanestad, Magnus (I5857862979)
747 !SO: A-002, A-012. Aanestad, Magnus (I5857862979)
748 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Skretting, Mary Olavsdtr. (I5857863856)
749 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Skretting, Mary Olavsdtr. (I5857863856)
750 !SO: A-002; A-012. Pollestad, Torbjorn (I5857863851)

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